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Knowledge vs Creativity

Knowledge is key to our way of life. We know the things we know because of what we’re taught throughout our lives. Creativity is a way of making new things. With art, we can make a creatively interesting drawing, painting, or piece. We can do this because of the knowledge we have to create something so interesting. Knowledge and Creativity both connect when it comes to design too. For example, If we know what kind of specific things a client has asked for a certain design, we now can have knowledge of what is expected. From there we can creatively adjust certain aspects of a design to fit the needs of the client. Our creativity is endless while our knowledge only spans as far as we have learned. Not one thing is more important than the other. Knowledge and creativity are essential to great art and design. Without knowledge, we wouldn’t learn to be creative. In my opinion, I believe everyone has a bit of a creative nature to them. In my own experience, I wouldn't have been able to design certain things without the knowledge of certain applications and tools. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to utilize this knowledge to better my designs. 

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