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What is Craft?

Craft is something that you specialize in. It takes skills to be efficient in any craft but if you work hard at it it can be something that you love doing. Many things were made in this world from people who crafted them. One example goes way back to the Native Americans. To survive and hunt they had to make something that would help make it easier. They crafted things such as baskets, spears, and clothing. Even back in the middle ages, the Greeks were particularly skilled in making sculptures, pottery, and structures. They were really good at crafting these which is why they are remembered so well. Craft can become something great as long as you’re willing to take the time to learn how to make something that you're good at. Anyone can be good in craft but have to be passionate about it. It's what makes someone who they are. It's what people know them for.  It might be time-consuming, but you are doing what you love. Your craft could also benefit others. If people didn’t decide to learn the skills needed to create we wouldn’t have such amazing objects today. 

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